Disability Insurance Member Resources

Disability Insurance and Medical Retirement

The following website links will provide you with the information you need in order to be well informed about disability insurance and medical retirement:

If you become disabled, and your claim is approved by the insurer, your monthly benefits will equal 70% of your insured annual salary. Benefits under DI or LTD begin once you have used up all your sick leave and provided that you have met a minimum waiting period of 13 weeks. Benefits continue for as long as you meet the test of total disability under the plan. If you are permanently disabled, your DI or LTD benefits will continue until you reach age 65. 

Member Resources

Information for Members on the Performance Management Initiative: A Local Perspective

Performance Management Program – What is it?

The Performance Management initiative has been advertised as a tool for managers to use in order to establish realistic expectations for employees – expectations that are to be defined, measurable and achievable.

Member Resources

Message from the President of Local 70713, Rotha Lennox Canada’s Working Class

I wanted to share with our members a recent article featured in the Ottawa Citizen that talks about Canada’s working class. The author shares his thoughts about the Temporary Foreign Workers program in Canada and its implications for the Canadian working class. 

Member Resources

The 3 R’s & The 3 A’s – Feeling Keys

One of the most important tool – ever! This stuff really should be taught in schools.
This is an awesome tool when someone is having problems coming to terms with uncomfortable feelings, which applies to almost everyone at some time or another..

The Problem: Pain

When we feel sad, lonely or hurt our natural tendency is to choose not to feel these feelings because they are painful.

We resist them, and then alternate between running away from them in panic and running after them to try to catch and control them.

This running to and from painful feelings, reinforces them because they want to be felt and are shouting, “Feel me!”

These 3 R’s set up a vicious cycle…

  1. Resisting Reinforcing Resisting
  2. Running Away & Running After
  3. Reinforcing Running

However, the real problem is not our painful feelings but our reaction to them.

The Solution: Acceptance

The solution is to learn to become aware of the feelings, to befriend and accept them.

This then establishes a virtuous circle …

  1. Awareness Awareness Acknowledgement
  2. Acknowledgement
  3. Acceptance Acceptance

Tool: The 3 A’s

  1. Become Aware of the feeling. What is it? Use single words to describe it.
  2. Acknowledge the feeling, thank it for showing up!
  3. Now what is often the hardest part, Accept, Experience and Allow the feeling.

* By accepting the feeling and allowing it to be in your life, you acknowledge that there is room for all feelings – room for tears and room for laughter.

Jackie Lee Agnew –SSW Life Success Coach

Ask a life coach Frequently Asked Questions Member Resources

Ask a Lifecoach: Office Romances

Over the last few months I have received many questions regarding office romances.  I have decided to answer all of them in one posting.  I myself feel that office romance is never a good thing and although there have been some exceptions to the rule, for the most part it ends up causing workplace friction, rumours and a whole lot of tension after all is said and done.

Member Resources

What Are Compassionate Care Benefits?

The text below has been copied from the Service Canada Employment Insurance Compassionate Care Benefits publication

One of the most difficult times for anyone is when a loved one is dying or at risk of death. The demands of caring for a gravely ill family member can jeopardize both your job and the financial security of your family. The Government of Canada believes that, during such times, you should not have to choose between keeping your job and caring for your family.

Mental Health

Mental Health Strategies – Videos

The Great-West Life Centre for Mental Health in the Workplace has a website that contains a lot of helpful and interesting information on creating mental health strategies in the workplace.

The link below features a number of short videos that deal with these issues and may be helpful to members who affected by friends, family or co-workers who are struggling with mental health problems, or may themselves be dealing with their own mental health issues.

Member Resources News Why Unions Matter

When Trouble Hits!

Having been a union representative for many years, the number of members who come to us for the 1st time after 15-25 years of trouble-free service in the Federal Government never ceases to amaze me.  Generally speaking, the reasons for the meeting are because something changed and that change has negatively affected the member’s work life.  The problem may stem from organizational changes or reporting hierarchy, or a manager whose management “style” makes the member’s life difficult, and it gets tougher and tougher for them to get motivated to come to work each day.  Finally, the situation becomes unbearable and the member either has to leave (retirement or stress leave) or work with us to resolve the problems and restore respect and productivity.

Member Resources

Building Blocks For Life

By Jackie Lee Agnew

Career Coaching: 9 Key Things I Tell Clients Looking for a New Career!

Member Resources

Developing Resilience Overcoming and Growing from Setbacks

I have not failed.  I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work….Thomas Edison

The Importance of Resilience

Resilience (or resiliency) is our ability to adapt and bounce back when things don’t go as planned.  Resilient people don’t wallow or dwell on failures; they acknowledge the situation, learn from their mistakes, and then move forward.